Thursday, June 25, 2009

One Week

Campbell is one week old today! She is doing well. She's an eating machine and at her well-check this morning she was back up to 8lbs 1 oz. We've only had to give her formula once and I am not having to pump at all right now which is fabulous! Grey loves her, a little too much at times, but she has survived so far with just a few scratches. More pictures later, but here is one from last night. Looks like I am probably going to have another brown-eyed baby!


Melissa said...

So sweet. I am glad things are going well. Have you gotten into a routine yet?


The Splan Clan said...

She is perfect, Kim. I hope you are doing well. We miss you at the center but are glad you are avoiding the ever present drama!

The Green Family said...

Kim she is so beautiful! you are truely blessed to have two wonderful children! I hope you are doing well! We miss you.

theowensclan said...

Hey Kim, I've been away from the computer for several days. She is GORGEOUS!! I can't wait to see her. I love how you said that Greyson is loving on her. That is so sweet. She is precious in the little green outfit with the bow in her hair. I'll call when we get back home.