Monday, June 29, 2009

do you think they favor?

He was still a little yellow in these pics I took at 12 days old. At 11 days, she is chubbier and a little more bright-eyed, but they are definitely siblings!!


theowensclan said...

Oh wow! That is amazing!! I love how you did those pictures side-by-side. Good thing cameras have date imprints on them. It might be hard to tell who was who, except for the pink colors. I can't wait to meet her.

The Green Family said...

Omg Kim! they look so much alike, but I would have never thought it! so happy for you guys! You make me almost want another one!!!!

andreabeam said...

So sweet! I still want to come visit. Maybe next week?? They are is it going with TWO BABIES!!! I'm pulling my hair out just thinking about it! lol

Kim said...

Two are not as bad as I thought, well not yet anyway! I have only left the house with both of them once, and it was just to my parent's. Getting Grey to sleep can get a little hairy if she's fussy.

Melissa said...

That is crazy. I guess you need to keep putting bows in Campbell's hair in her pictures.