Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2 Months!

Campbell's 2 month birthday was yesterday. So was her well-check. She is a little over 12 lbs and is 23 3/4 inches long! Big! Praise God she is still a good sleeper!! She pretty much sleeps from 9pm to 4am, but she has slept until 6am a few times. (Before you get too jealous, remember that I paid and am still paying my dues with Greyson!) She is so easy going and smiles and "talks" a lot.
This weekend is our first weekend away with two little ones. We are going to Pigeon Forge and luckily we will have Kevin's entire family there to help out! Now if we can just figure out how to get everything packed in the jeep....


theowensclan said...

Yeah!! She is SO beautiful!! I love the pics. You were so funny when you said, 'don't get jealous'. That is exactly what I was thinking! :)

I hope y'all have fun this weekend. I'd like to see pics of your trip.