Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sweet Campbell is a month old! Time is flying by. Here she is in her pjs Thursday morning - 4 weeks old. That's not bed head, her crazy hair always stands up like that! The only thing I can do with it is hide it with a bow on top of her head.
She turned 1 month on Saturday. Not the way we wanted to celebrate, but we will take it. As if I didn't already know from past experiences, we are just thankful that our children are healthy and growing well. There are so many children and families in that hospital suffering and not knowing how things will turn out. We'll take a virus over that any day!

Doesn't she look pitiful?! She was gray Friday evening and Saturday. Her fever is gone and she is finally pink again and is nowhere near as fussy as she was. It made a huge difference in how both kids felt just getting them home! The change was instant. Grey's fever has been gone since Friday night, but we think he has a sore throat. He did eat today for the first time all weekend. And his eczema, which was as bad as it has ever been, is clearing now thanks to two new prescriptions. I'll post pics of my newly-turned 18 month old next time. I am ready to go sleep in my own bed!


theowensclan said...

Hey there. I'm glad y'all are home. There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed and getting back on a routine. She is so precious. I just LOVE her hair! I can't wait to see y'all.