Friday, July 17, 2009

No time for pictures....

just an unfortunate update on my sweet girl. Both of the kids were FINE until last night when Campbell started acting fussy with what I thought was a tummy ache. During the night both she and Greyson woke up with fevers. In the morning I called to add Campbell to Greyson's already scheduled well-check. Babies less than 6 weeks with a fever automatically get a two-day hospital stay with a complete septic work-up, including spinal tap. We are pretty sure it's just a virus, as Greyson's exam showed that he had a mouth full of little blisters- hand, foot and mouth disease. All I know is my poor baby is miserable! She cries everytime she is moved, or even touched really. Hopefully she will start feeling better tomorrow!


The Splan Clan said...

I think hand foot and mouth must be going around church. JJ got it too.It only took him about 3 days to get over it. He was super fussy though. Know that I am praying for your family... I hope both babies get better soon.

theowensclan said...

Oh no! How awful! Poor little thing. I feel so bad for both of them. It's amazing how pitiful they get when they don't feel well. I'm glad the doctors are being overly cautious. I am praying for you all.

Kim said...

Holly, uggg!! They have too many little ones in that room! I really think some of those kids have to be over two, they are so big! I put on his notes last week that he is teething, please give paci if he starts putting his hands in his mouth, but I don't think anyone really reads the sheet.

The Green Family said...

awww... so sorry you guys had to go through a hospital stay! Glad to hear you were released today, that had to have been so scary! Hope you all stay well!