Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do these stripes make me look fat?

Or do you think it's the belly under the shirt? 31 weeks yesterday!

Maybe the reason this baby is so low is because there is another baby on top of it all the time!!

Greyson is big enough now to climb on everything, including this kitchen chair that Kevin left in the living room today.


Melissa said...

You make me laugh. You look great. Little Campbell is going to pop out and you are going to be back to your old self.
I can not believe what a little dare devil he is.

Jennifer said...

Girl, you look great and I love that top! That's funny about another baby on top...maybe it is true?

The countdown is on!!

theowensclan said...

Oh Kim!!! How have I missed this?! You are BEAUTIFUL!!! With a capital "B"! I love the pictures! I could just eat Greyson up. He is just getting cuter and cuter by the day. I wish I could reach through the computer and just squeeze him. These are truly some wonderful days for you all. How is Kevin doing? Is the business going well? I hope to see you really soon. Will you deliver at G'vlle Memorial again? I would love to come see you when that little girl arrives. I love and miss you. Kathi