I have been trying to get a good picture of Greyson for our Christmas card, but taking a good picture of him has become very difficult. He is not still at all, he wants to put the ornaments in his mouth, or he wants to crawl over and climb on top of me when he sees me in the floor trying to snap a picture. At least our photo sessions are pretty much the only time he bothers the tree (except for the Clemson football ornament he is holding in the picture above, he picked that one out himself and he loves playing with it, Go Tigers!). Otherwise he is happy to empty out a box of ornaments we don't use. He takes them out of the box, plays with them and bangs them, then cleans up by putting them all back into the box. The whole take out/ put in routine is big in our house right now. He loves it. He also loves walking around pushing things or holding our hand. And he is trying to talk so bad, I swear he can say "quack, quack" when he sees his ducks in the bathtub. He also says mama, dada, and byebye. He's a mess. A completely spoiled rotten little mess!
I am finally starting to feel better. I haven't had to have crackers before getting out of bed in about two weeks now. I do still have trouble eating sometimes, but no where near like before. And I just finished my class this week, so maybe things will settle down and I'll have time to breathe a little, and start planning for this new little one who will be here in 6 short months!!
Can you come over and teach brady to clean up please? he is great at taking things out, but I can't get him to put them back.
Candace, fortunately for me I didn't have to teach Grey to clean up. He discovered it on his own. I am sure this skill will fade away in a few years!
Hey Kim,
I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. I check in to your blog daily to see what's going on. I'm glad you are feeling better. Finishing that class will take a big load off. I also like the Christmas theme. I wish I knew how to do that. (I've tried, I can't make it work.) Hope to see you soon.
It doesn't matter what picture you use...he's adorable in all of them!
So glad you're feeling better. This past week has been better for me too - knock on wood. :)
Have a great week!
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