A little trial run on her birthday. Her party is this weekend.This is so good I want to kick!
All done!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Who wants cake?
Posted by Kim at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Swing Batter Batter
It doesn't really matter what kind of game it is, if it has a ball Greyson is all about it. We try to keep him in season so right now he is all about baseball. He can hit the ball halfway across the front yard off of the tee. We have taken him to a Drive game, but they are a little too slow for him. He does love the fact that you can see the city's softball field from our back yard and he has watched a little of those games. They are more interesting I guess because you can hear the girls chanting and cheering the whole time. Softball girls are very loud! Kevin and his dad have also been discussing a membership to a golf course, so there may be some golf in Grey's future too. And we can't wait to take Grey to his first Clemson football game this fall!!
Posted by Kim at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Almost birthday time!
I can't believe it's time to kiss Campbell's first year goodbye!Our sweet girl turns one on Friday! What is Campbell like at one year...Campbell is such as funny girl. She loves to laugh and to make us laugh. I don't know how a one-year-old knows how to play games with people but she does. She loves people and will smile, wave and say hello to everyone she sees when we are out and about. She can say Mama, Dada, hey, hello, bye-bye, yay, uh-oh, it's gone and where it/dada/greyson go?. Well, she doesn't actually say Greyson but you can tell that is what she is trying to say. It is very cute when she puts her hands out, shrugs her shoulders and asks a question. She is very busy and pretty fiesty. It is difficult for anyone to hold her for long because she doesn't like to sit still. She is just beginning to stand up without holding on to something for a few seconds and she likes holding your hands so she can walk. She loves to hold and rock her baby dolls but she also likes playing with Greyson's trucks and tractors. She adores her big brother and since she usually wakes up first in the mornings she is dying to wake him up too so she can give him a big hug. She is such a blessing in our lives!
How sweet is this?
Posted by Kim at 3:57 PM 0 comments