Today I pulled the newborn outfits out of Campbell's dresser so that there will be room for her fall clothes. She is still in 0-3 clothes, but needs to move to 3-6 onesies soon because she is so long. She wore this striped outfit on Father's Day, the day after coming home from the hospital. I didn't realize how much they can grow in 10 weeks!
Greyson likes to sit in the rocker seat with her. She was crying and since her paci wasn't around for him to stick in her mouth, he just used his finger (he has seen me do this for her). Such a good big brother!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Getting Big
Posted by Kim at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Pigeon Forge Weekend
We spent the weekend in Pigeon Forge with Kevin's family. Not too exciting, but at least I didn't have to spend the weekend doing housework!
Greyson loved watching and chasing the ducks by the river.We put him on the carousel one night. He just sat there expressionless the entire time until the guy came up to undo the strap after the ride was over. Greyson started screaming and wouldn't let go of the pole. I guess he liked it! We let him ride it again and he also rode a balloon ride. Same thing, expressionless when on the ride, but he cried everytime the rides were over. I guess we will have to find more rides for him when we go to the beach in a few weeks!
(Kevin was showing me that Greyson was holding onto the reins of the horse.)
Posted by Kim at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2 Months!
Campbell's 2 month birthday was yesterday. So was her well-check. She is a little over 12 lbs and is 23 3/4 inches long! Big! Praise God she is still a good sleeper!! She pretty much sleeps from 9pm to 4am, but she has slept until 6am a few times. (Before you get too jealous, remember that I paid and am still paying my dues with Greyson!) She is so easy going and smiles and "talks" a lot.
This weekend is our first weekend away with two little ones. We are going to Pigeon Forge and luckily we will have Kevin's entire family there to help out! Now if we can just figure out how to get everything packed in the jeep....
Posted by Kim at 9:52 PM 1 comments