He was still a little yellow in these pics I took at 12 days old. At 11 days, she is chubbier and a little more bright-eyed, but they are definitely siblings!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
do you think they favor?
Posted by Kim at 9:18 PM 5 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
One Week
Campbell is one week old today! She is doing well. She's an eating machine and at her well-check this morning she was back up to 8lbs 1 oz. We've only had to give her formula once and I am not having to pump at all right now which is fabulous! Grey loves her, a little too much at times, but she has survived so far with just a few scratches. More pictures later, but here is one from last night. Looks like I am probably going to have another brown-eyed baby!
Posted by Kim at 11:00 AM 4 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
39 Weeks 3 days
Just a few days left!!
And here is my sweet boy watching his new Veggie Tales video from Nana. He does the pillow and blanket all by himself. He knows how to relax!I have spent a lot of time being concerned for and praying for Grey and how he will handle everything over the next few weeks. There is just no way to prepare him for what is about to happen to his little world. Please say a prayer for him over the next few days and weeks!!!
Posted by Kim at 5:11 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
15 Days and Counting!!
Campbells' eviction notice has been served! She has until the 18th to get out! That's only 2 days before my due date, so I would really like her to come before, but at least I know there is a definite end coming and that I won't go over. I am seriously nervous about her staying in too long and getting too big. I guess that's what happens when your first baby was 2 weeks early and a little 7 pounder.
Here is her room. Just a few things left to put away, a few more things needed for the walls, but overall everything is done and we are ready for her! And notice that despite the overkill of crowns and all things "Princess" in the stores, I was able to decorate her room without any of it!
(I made the curtains and crib skirt, and my mom surprised me and made the matching quilt!)
Posted by Kim at 11:23 AM 4 comments
First '09 Lake Day
I was determined to get Greyson to the lake at least once before Campbell arrives, and we finally made it down to my parent's Saturday afternoon. Grey had a great time out on the boat and digging in the sand. The water is still cold, so he only got his feet wet. I think his favorite part was when my dad showed him how to push the button for the horn. Thankfully we were back at the dock and not attracting too much attention!
And yes, I did pack a bikini (and a tank top to go over it) but since the water was too cold I didn't bother putting it on. But let me tell you, I looked good in it- from the back! :)
Hopefully we'll be able to make it back to the lake and actually get to swim soon!!
Posted by Kim at 10:05 AM 0 comments