I've read other blogs that do this weekly post and I think it's a great idea, so here goes......

I'm from the front pew of a wooden white church A courthouse clock it still don't work. Where a man's word means everything. Where moms and dads were high school flames. Gave their children grandmother's maiden name. Yes it may not sound like much, But its where I'm from
I've read other blogs that do this weekly post and I think it's a great idea, so here goes......
Posted by Kim at 4:53 PM 3 comments
Last January I VERY happily packed away my maternity clothes into a big tub and pushed it into the extra bedroom. Today, this January, I pushed that big tub back into my bedroom and not-so-happily went through those same maternity clothes so that I could wash them and have them ready to wear again. **sigh** I was worried that I would pop a lot sooner this time, but I was about 19 weeks last time when I moved into maternity clothes, and I was 19 weeks yesterday and I'm still in most of my regular pants. I did notice this morning that I have gained 3 pounds. And the fun begins....
Posted by Kim at 10:30 PM 4 comments
I saw this on another blog I'm addicted to and wanted to pass the story on so that people can be praying for this baby and her family. Mom went to the hospital on Friday expecting to deliver a healthy baby girl. She is NOT healthy, and they are not sure what is going on and if she will even make it. Read the blog, say a prayer, pass it on.
Posted by Kim at 10:42 AM 3 comments
Posted by Kim at 3:37 PM 1 comments
Okay, now that the pictures are up I am remembering that they load backwards, so.....here are out-of-order pics of Greyson opening presents, playing with the balloons which we loved, eating his cake with the candle and a fork, loving on his cousin Averi who he is just crazy about, and crashed out with Kevin right after everyone left!
Posted by Kim at 4:06 PM 3 comments
We were sitting in the hospital, i.v.'s started, nerves going crazy, knowing that we would never go home as just the two of us ever again. It's been a crazy year, but so fun. How is that t-niny baby we met that night already big enough to go over to the pantry this morning, open the door, pull out the bag of goldfish, and have himself a snack while I fixed my oatmeal? Can't wait to see what (and WHO) we meet this next year!
Posted by Kim at 7:49 AM 3 comments
Posted by Kim at 7:59 PM 2 comments