As always, we had a very busy but wonderful Christmas with our families! We are so blessed!
Campbell's first babydoll
Greyson ate half of that M&Ms candy cane before we realized it and took it away!!My baby girl and me
Grey LOVES his tricycle!!
Comparing stocking treasures
Just being adorable
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the real gift of the season!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009
Posted by Kim at 9:05 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Loving Christmas Break!!!!!
Just hanging out, watching Barney, playing with (eating) dolls, being stinkers, you know, the usual! And yes, I know that they look so much a like, and I know they look just like Kevin! I have heard that soooo much lately! And I really don't mind that they look like their daddy, I mean I do think he's pretty cute, but I seriously have someone tell me that every time we leave the house lately!
I made monogrammed Christmas ornaments yesterday during nap! Two days in a row of both babies sleeping after lunch!!!!
Posted by Kim at 1:43 PM 1 comments
Have I ever told you how much I HATE eczema?!?
He looks happy, right?Well, he was feeling fine after running a fever for a while on Friday. Apparently the fever was from a virus and the virus (while just a fever for my nephew and niece) reacted with his eczema and Saturday morning Grey woke up covered in awful blisters from his elbows and knees down, on his face/lips, and even on his ears. Basically everywhere that he has trouble with eczema. We missed his doctor's Saturday hours, so my mom and I took him to urgent care because I knew he would need antibiotics to keep it from getting infected. Today he is looking better, but he is quick to tell you that he has a "booboo" on the inside of his hands. That's the worst area, his palms and fingers are all cracked and open. So just say a little prayed for my little guy, that he is healing by Christmas and that he grows out of this horrible eczema!!
Posted by Kim at 1:33 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
6 months!
Someone please explain how time goes so fast! Can't believe our precious girl is halfwayto her first birthday! Her baby dedication was this past Sunday. Not a great picture, and we were home and in our pjs (Sunday afternoon routine!) before I realized I didn't take more pictures.
Campbell isn't sure about this cold weather!!She is babbling up a storm, eating like crazy, sitting up and working on scooting. They grow too fast!
Posted by Kim at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
5 Months Already...
I don't even want to think about the fact that my baby girl is almost halfway to her first birthday! She is rolling, scooting, and trying so hard to sit up! She loves to giggle and to eat (squash, sweet potatoes, peas and apples so far). She laughs when she sees Greyson coming up to her to play. In the last picture he was giving her a "hug". She is so happy and sweet, we just eat her up and get on our knees every day and thank God for this sweet surprise. We have needed the happiness and smiles that have come with her because this has been a pretty tough year for us otherwise. But our babies, now they are definitely a blessing!
Posted by Kim at 9:25 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Not quite going potty...
but sitting in front of it to read is pretty close, right?
If you like to snuggle in mommy and daddy's bed in the mornings raise your hand!
And one more of my sweet, but big girl! She was 15 lbs 9 oz and 26 inches long last week at her 4 month well-check!
Posted by Kim at 10:01 PM 0 comments
New reading glasses
The funniest part is that he blows on them to "clean" them before he puts them on. I am beginning to think he spends too much time with his grandparents!
Posted by Kim at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
In the trash they go!
Grey has been pacifier-free for 2 weeks!! And has not asked for it once, has not stolen Campbell's, he has done wonderful! We are so excited!!!
Posted by Kim at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
These would be cute....
IF Greyson didn't have a bruise in the middle of his forehead from where he tripped and smacked his head on the floor of Cracker Barrel Friday night, and IF Campbell didn't have on a blue bib that says Handsome Like Daddy and instead had a bow in that crazy hair! Oh well, this is more representative of our days I guess.
Posted by Kim at 10:05 PM 0 comments
My Wild Thing
In honor of the fact that Greyson is going to be a monster for Halloween, and because it is one of my favorite children's books, we have been reading Where the Wild Things Are to Greyson. He LOVES it! He has learned to hold up his claws and stomp his feet and growl like a monster. Very Cute! And very appropraite because he is definitely a little wild thing!
Posted by Kim at 9:58 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Baby Got a New Chair!
We did not want to leave Campbell out of the monthly rocking chair pictures, so her Nana and Poppa found her one of her own. It's just white right now, but I plan on personalizing it when I get some time. (hopefully before she's five!)She is getting to be such a big girl!
And how did I keep Greyson occupied and out of the pictures? Well, he was contained and entertained! :)
Posted by Kim at 4:52 PM 0 comments