Saturday, August 30, 2008

1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 c-l-e-m-s-o-n t-i-g-e-rrrrr-s!!!

It's finally here!!! The most favorite time of year here at our house-- Clemson football season!!!! We chose not to go down to Atlanta to watch the Tigers play Bama, so we will be watching from two places, first at a bar downtown at a friend's 30th birthday party, and then at Kevin's parents house because they will be watching Grey and they also have a 52 inch flatscreen. Our flags are flying on the house and the truck- and Greyson will be decked out in something Clemson tonight too. I'll post pics of that tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

check out Grey's new shirt!

Incase you can't read it, it says "fat, bald and innocent".

Grey is already picking up on Kevin's bad habits! I swear he pushed buttons on the controller then looked up a the tv!
And one more, just because he is so stinkin cute!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

High School Reunion

My 10 year highschool reunion was a couple of weeks ago. It was fun seeing how much everyone had changed (or for some, who had stayed the same!). There was a large group in our class that was very close, and it was mainly that group that attended the reunion, so it was neat to meet spouses and talk about all the babies that everyone has and what everyone is doing now. Everyone agreed that we all need to have get-togethers more often. I think that's great, as long as it doesn't mean we have to start planning 9 months in advance like we did for this one!

Here is a picture of the girls and me at the end of our senior year- 1998-
And at the reunion-

Two teachers, an admin. assistant, and an engineer...3 Clemson grads...and in a few weeks when Jaclyn gives birth we will all be mommies to little boys!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I did it!

I finally found out how to show the comment link, Kathi! I didn't realize that you have to set it each time you write a post. Now I know!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

7 Months

Greyson turned 7 months last Sunday. He is EVERYWHERE! He is crawling, pulling up on everything, and always looking for something to play with or to put in his mouth. He especially loves shoes (too much like his mommy!) and when he sees a pair he will crawl over to them and bang them on the floor and chew on them (not like his mommy). He watches closely as we wave bye and will sometimes lift up his hand or wiggle his fingers. He is imitating some sounds and blows raspberries. He is starting to dance when he hears music, and sometimes it seems like he is trying to sing along! Maybe he'll get his dad's musical talent, cause his mom sure doesn't have any! He eats whatever we give him- vegetable soup, any fruit, crackers, pancakes, anything but stage 3 baby food, and I can't blame him for that. He is holding his sippy cup and tries really hard to feed himself, he just can't quite get the food out of his fingers and into his mouth yet. He has two teeth and is FINALLY sleeping through the night consistently!! He has been working hard lately!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Water Baby

Greyson has loved his trips to my parents' lake house this summer! He enjoys floating around in his boat and splashing around with someone holding him. Thank goodness, because we really enjoy the lake and pool in the summer!

Sunscreen makes great styling cream!

At Kathi's pool at the cabin

Coming of Grey CRAWLING and PULLING UP!!!! Does he not realize that our house is not even baby-proofed yet?!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How long can you have a blog without a post?

Okay, finally ready to make a post on this blog that I set up, like over a month ago! And Kathi is not even at home to see it! Since this blog is supposed to be for sharing pics and news about Greyson, I am just going to go back and start at the beginning....

This is Kevin and I on January 10th at 4:30 am on the way to the hospital to be induced-

Finally at 6:26 pm-

Greyson Thomas was born coming in at 7lbs and 21 inches.

Unfortunately, a bumpy start to breastfeeding and jaundice don't mix well, and at three days old Grey was down to 6 lbs and was very yellow.

He spent his first two weeks as a glowworm who was fed everytime he wimpered, and has been fine ever since. He's filled out all that extra skin!

He's a smart kid! At a month old- his favorite color is already Clemson orange!

Daddy says there's no reason a two-month-old can't be well-dressed.

At three months-

At four months-

At five months-

At six months-

I have lots of other really cute pics of Greyson swimming, playing and doing his other new tricks, but it's taken me two days to get this post together, so don't hold your breath!