Sunday, December 28, 2008
Grey's First Christmas
Posted by Kim at 3:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Visit with Santa
Posted by Kim at 10:44 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Christmas is all About
Kent Bush: ‘That’s what Christmas is all about’
While I was enjoying my son's Christmas play at church this weekend, I was reminded of "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
Both scripts remind the viewer that commercialism is not the true meaning of Christmas. But as Miss Kansas Emily Deaver grinned and sang using a gaggle of toddlers as a back-up band, I was also reminded of a famous line from the Charles Schultz production that debuted 43 years ago today.
"Stop the music. We're going to do this play and we're going to do it right."
I could hear Charlie Brown's famous words when I watched some toddlers cry out for their mothers, some wiggle off the stage and others shake their tiny jingle bells to the tune.
Charlie Brown had to restore order by bringing an end to the freelance dancing of the cast of cartoon characters during "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
When you put toddlers and preschoolers in front of a crowd, there is no restoring order. All you can do is control the chaos.
"A Charlie Brown Christmas" is still drawing large television audiences and I think there are several reasons.
First, there is the great jazz piano soundtrack. Without Linus' jazzy piano chops, the animated cast would have no framework within which to display their funky dance moves.
Once this Christmas special hits the screen, the tunes are tattooed on your brain. Good luck removing them from your memory banks.
The second reason the special is still popular today is the authenticity. Who can't relate to getting a Christmas program together, watching a neighbor cross the bounds of common sense when it comes to decorating their home or spending far too much money on the commercial aspect of the season?
Snoopy's award winning home décor is used as an example of going to far. However, it seems tame compared to many people I know today.
But the third and most likely reason the show maintains its popularity after more than four decades is its message.
Charlie Brown was frustrated with his young cast as they fought over parts and decorations. He found himself wondering aloud, "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!"
Linus quietly says he knows and steps to the center of the stage where a spotlight falls on him as he begins to quote the Christmas story from the King James Version of the Book of Luke.
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.' That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
Obviously, network executives 43 years ago were more than a little concerned about how direct the message was. They believed viewers would be offended by recitations of passages from the Bible. Schultz disagreed and he was willing to pull the program before he removed the message or watered it down.
"If we don't tell the true meaning of Christmas, who will?" he said.
Apparently viewers 43 years ago - and even as recently as Monday night - managed not to be offended by the idea that Christmas is about more than Santa Claus, red-nosed reindeer and shiny aluminum trees.
Every church, school or community group preparing a Christmas musical can learn from this special. If you stay true to the message, the program's success if far more likely.
Whether the program features wooly little lambs, Miss Kansas singing with toddlers, a full orchestra performing Handel's Messiah, or a group of animated kids with a great jazz pianist, the reason for the season remains the same.
Augusta GazettePosted by Kim at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Just for the record...
A stomach virus kicks morning sickness's butt hands down. Kevin and I are both feeling awful today. It's almost four and the only thing I've had to eat today are a few animal crackers and peanut butter, and I'm not entirely sure those are going to last much longer. At least Greyson is safely away from the germs at my parent's house. He'll probably just spend the night there. And we'll stay here and try to stay out of the bathroom.....
Posted by Kim at 3:58 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas Picture Attempts

Posted by Kim at 8:40 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Our newest baby pictures

Posted by Kim at 3:39 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, bakers man
Posted by Kim at 3:43 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Just an update
I am avoiding the homework I should be doing for this stupid online class I am taking, so I thought I'd give a little update on my 9 1/2 month old. Right now he is going through the DVD's in our tv cabinet. He is not supposed to be doing this, but he loves it. And because Kevin is slack and doesn't lock it back after he plays playstation, I am allowing Grey to play and will let Kevin clean it up when he gets home. :) Greyson has really discovered his voice and it really seems that he tries to repeat a lot of what we say. He has a great sense of humor and it is so fun to watch him do something, then look over at us and laugh! He is standing for about 5 seconds after letting go of whatever he was holding on to. And sometimes he tries to stand from the floor. I think he will be walking by Christmas. He has eaten leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner the past few nights, and it appears to be his favorite meal (not that he has ever tried anything he didn't like). Anyday now tooth number 4 is going to break through the skin, and number 5 seems to be close behind. He should definitely be able to have turkey by Thanksgiving! He is finally starting to sleep better again, and once or twice lately he has slept through the night without getting into our bed. Sunday night was the best night of all, oh wait a minute, that was only because he was on a "grandkids sleepover" at my parents' house. :) He is waving hello and goodbye, and sometimes says bye-bye, too! Mom said that this morning he was pointing to the deer in the backyard and waving at them. How cute. He loves any animal, we really should take him to the zoo before it gets too cold. When you hold out your hand and say "give it to me" he does. This is new this week! Hmm, that's all I can think of for now. Sorry, this post is really just for me so I'll have it in writing what he is doing. But doesn't it make you want to come babysit?!
Posted by Kim at 6:44 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Caught in the act
Hmmm, did I wash his hands after this?......
Don't you love the long johns?! Thanks Angela!
By the way, Grey is graciously allowing me time to post these pics because he is busy emptying his entire diaper bag out in the middle of the living room floor. Isn't he sweet!
Posted by Kim at 8:43 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkins, a Juicebox and Fridge Toys
Grey loved the pumpkins we put out on the front porch (the scarecrow, too). He wants to touch them every day when we go out to get the mail.
He is very fussy today, we are not sure why, but it started this afternoon at my mom's before I even got there to take him to his doctor's appointment. He was not happy that the doctor had to lay him down to get some wax out of his ear. We were supposed to get away with no shots today, but he got a flu shot and a finger prick that was worse than it should be because he wouldn't bleed and she had to keep squeezing and squeezing! He screamed a lot this afternoon and would not let me put him down, so I had to pull out the sling, which is too small now that he is so big (19lbs 6 ozs.) so I could make dinner. A juicebox seemed to help him feel better, especially since he refused his sippy cup!, Here is a video (with no sound) of Grey dancing to the barn that is supposed to go on the refrigerator. He like to pull it down. And as you will see, he likes to pull the animal parts out, too. Maybe soon he'll realize it won't play the songs if the animals are not in it!
This may be the last video I ever post because they take for-ev-er to upload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Kim at 9:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
First Fingerpainting
What a cute little artist!! And I finally found a positive to having that yucky plastic (but FREE) highchair!
On another note, I am completely depressed that any evidence of there ever being a little tiny baby in my house is quickly disappearing. For the past few weekends I have gone through Grey's room, packing up the sheet savers, boppy covers, even the little hooded towels that are now too small to be effective. Tonight I went through the kitchen cabinet and took out the 4 oz bottles and all accessories that were used when I was pumping. (Okay, I admit that I am completely glad not to be pumping anymore!!) All of these newborn things are being replaced with cabinet locks, push toys and sippy cups. There are even magnet letters and toys on my fridge! And they're being used! There is a tiny toothbrush and a whole flock of rubber ducks in my bathroom. My little guy is just getting too big. Now I know why people have babies so close together! (But don't get excited, it's not happening in this house!)
Posted by Kim at 7:09 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A New Milestone?
Grey just emptied out my bag, pulling my credit cards out and scattering them on the floor. BUT, he didn't put a single one in his mouth! He just pulled them out, looked at them, then dropped each one to pull out another. My gosh, how great would it be if he stopped putting everything he touches in his mouth?! Hey, a girl can hope, right?
Posted by Kim at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Grey's First Beach Trip
He ate lots of sand, floated around the lazy river, played with his cousins, stayed on his nap schedule (hurray!) and overall had a great time, which means Kev and I had a great time, too!
(please disregard his redneck Myrtle Beach t-shirt! He only wears it to bed and with his swim trunks!)
Posted by Kim at 4:49 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
We're running away,
Well, at least until Tuesday. We are packing up to spend a long weekend at the beach with my family. I can't wait to get my little guy on the beach! Hopefully on Sunday my parents will watch Greyson so that Kevin and I can go out to celebrate our sixth anniversary. It's crazy to think that it's been TEN years this month that I thought, "Okay, he's cute and funny, and he'll be fun to hang out with on the weekends that I come home from school." I had no intention of being in a relationship with a boy from home, but it was not long before he was the whole reason I was coming home every weekend. We were "babies" when we met and have done a lot of growing up together. He's my very best friend, and I couldn't make it through the day without him. Happy Anniversary Baby!!
Posted by Kim at 5:36 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
We're still alive
and kicking. After a few days of fever and a few more days of not eating, Grey has fully recovered. His sleep however, has not. He is still waking up twice a night, but he has at least slept in his crib for the last two nights. It's just a matter of re-training him to sleep through the night again. And it probably won't last for long because I think his top teeth may finally be getting ready to come in. It seems like every time he gets in a good sleep pattern, a cold or a tooth or something comes along and disrupts everything. At least for right now he is passed out in my lap after getting a tummy full of milk. He stayed up late partying it up for his great grandpa's 88th birthday dinner at Kevin's mom and dad's house. I am posting a picture of the poor baby last Sunday sitting with daddy on the back porch. You can tell he felt awful. I'll also post some of this week which will show that he is feeling MUCH better! No pictures please, Mom!
He thinks he can walk! It won't be long!!
Because of the cooler weather we are working on wearing shoes. Grey thinks they are a way to play hide and seek with his toes. He is apparently a great hide and seek player because the shoes don't last long, and he giggles when he gets them off.
Posted by Kim at 8:43 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My little hottie
Praise the Lord, Greyson has slept better the last two nights! He has only woken up briefly each night. But when he woke up at 3 this morning he was blazing hot. He quickly went to sleep and I laid him down and went for the thermometer and tylenol. His fever was 100.5. It is so much easier to take a baby's temperature while they are asleep! This morning when we woke up his fever was up to 101. I haven't taken it again, but each time his medicine started to wear off he got hot again. He was still smiling and eating (until tonight when he refused to nurse, didn't want his cup, then finally took 4 oz. from a bottle) but he has been a little slow. He has just sat in our laps to play instead of wanting down. He has spent a lot of time on Kevin's chest asleep this weekend. We are worn out, and our house is a mess because it's hard to clean up after yourself when you are holding a 20 lb baby! I am hoping it's just a cold or maybe even several teeth coming through at once. I will let you know how he feels tomorrow.
Oh, he did feel good enough to laugh this afternoon when he and Kevin were looking at an animal book and Kevin taught him that for chickens you say "Boooo" and for tigers you do cadence count. Grey thought that was too funny! :)
Posted by Kim at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
For Rent-
Very cute 8 month old. Guaranteed to knock drinks off the table, smear slobbery tongue and hand prints on all doors and mirrors, and crawl up stairs when you are not looking. Gives lots of hugs, giggles and kisses, however painful they may be now that he has teeth!
Lease expires when his stuffy nose clears up so that he sleeps through the night again.
Posted by Kim at 5:14 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Poor thing has no idea that his favorite team played like poop last weekend!
Kevin's grandma passed away this morning. I will post more very cute pics this weekend when things are back to normal.
Posted by Kim at 4:27 PM 3 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 c-l-e-m-s-o-n t-i-g-e-rrrrr-s!!!
Posted by Kim at 1:35 PM 1 comments